The eco-label is awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Nature Conservation together with the Federal Environment Agency. The latter reviews the award criteria at regular intervals and adapts them to the latest technical developments.
The certificates for the award of our models from the rauch product ranges are available for download:
- rauch BLUE
- rauch ORANGE
- rauch BLACK

Special requirements
The Blue Angel places special requirements on the products awarded with it. For example, extensive evidence must be provided - from the procurement of the wood and wood-based materials, to the manufacture of the furniture, to ensuring the indoor air quality through emission measurements, to the disposal of the products.
High usability combined with a long service life also play an important role in protecting the environment and health.
For the evaluation of emissions from furniture and slatted frames, the concept of the award criteria is based on the evaluation scheme developed by the "Ausschuss zur gesundheitlichen Bewertung von Bauprodukten" (AgBB).
In detail, evidence must be provided or requirements met for the following criteria:
- Origin of wood from sustainable forest management
- Compliance with formaldehyde limits for uncoated wood-based materials
- General material requirements for coating systems
- Emission reduction in the coating process
- Ensuring indoor air quality through emission measurements on furniture ready for sale
- Odour test (optional)
- Special requirements for halogens, flame retardants, biocides
- Packaging
- Requirements for the use of materials
- Construction
- Wear parts
- Recycling and disposal of products
- Consumer information
- Advertising claims